
Affiliate-Pro SaaS script gives you the ability to track sales, clicks, and so many actions that you need to track on your site/store and share the commission with your affiliates.


Affiliates can share your products&services and when sales record from affiliate link then a commission auto record in affiliate wallet. same for services, leads, clicks, actions.
Affiliate-Pro SaaS script gives you the ability to allow your affiliates to be your vendors and integrate their own site&store and share it with all system affiliates and increase the sales on their own site. From this option admin also can earn a fee for every vendor activity.
The script comes with full E-Commerce where you can upload your items for sale and share with affiliates to increase your sales by sharing a commission for sale and product clicks.
So many features like PostBack, Recurring, Language manager, currency manager, and more are in our advanced script. Affiliate script comes with a membership module that allows the admin to charge his users by using the system and so many other features that can be read here on our item page.
What is important to know that we are adding so many new features every month and for free, so all clients can use our script and it will cover almost 100% of business out there for help and growth!

Main Advance Features:

  • Membership module to charge your affiliates
  • E-Commerce module to sell your products
  • Recurring commission module Integration
  • Postback module to track values from any site
  • SaaS module to set your affiliates to your vendors
  • MLM module to build your Multi-level marketing
  • Wallet Manager module to manage all transactions
  • Live payouts module to pay your affiliates
  • Registration API module to register from your site
  • Newsletter module to notify your users
  • and many more…

SaaS Feature To Create Your Affiliates&Vendors Private Network

  • Admin can activate the SaaS module for a specific user from his panel and allow user to be an affiliate and also a vendor by using the SaaS module
  • Admin can set his own commission for every sale/click/action, that will be trigged from his vendor users
  • Affiliate user can integrate his own site/store
  • Affiliate can add his own commission program
  • Affiliate can add his own banners(image/links/text/video)
  • Affiliate can share his program commission with all site affiliates
  • Affiliate can add his own physical products to the built-in store
  • Affiliate can add his own downloadable products to the built-in store
  • Affiliate can add his own coupons for adding a discount to his users
  • Affiliate can see his own orders & logs on his panel

Generate Authentication

Authentication token are required as an authentication method with Affiliate apis. By using an Authentication token you authenticate access to the specific API. Without authentication access to the API is denied.
You can generate and manage Authentication token from within the Affiliate login api. By login api will generate a unique your user token for API authentication.

Use Authentication

API token is required for the authentication of the calling program to the API.
The API token is sensitive private information that we strongly advise to have and keep restricted access to it.
Content-Type: application/json Authorization: {{token}}

Errors and API status

List of errors

All requests with a response status code different than 200 (successful HTTP) are considered as a failure of the particular API call and referred to as “HTTPS errors”. When the response (error) is returned an additional JSON is present in the body containing the error message. Depending on what has gone wrong with the API call, the error message is different.

As best practice we recommend to store all error messages somewhere along with request data for further manual review.

The errors we use follow the HTTP Error Codes Standard.

HTTP Status Code Error it represents
3xx Redirection Error
4xx Client Error
5xx Server Error

The structure of the error always returns the following values, as listed and described in the example:

{"status":"true OR false (boolean)", "message": "Is the human readable error message"}

The structure of the validation parameter error always returns the following values, as listed and described in the example:

{ "message": "Please required field", "errors": { "parameter": "Oops ! parameter is required." } }

We use the following error codes:

General errors

Type of code HTTP Status Code Error code Message
Client Error 400 uri_not_found "The specified URI has not been found. Check the URI and try again."
401 missing_api_token "The specific authorization header (API token) is missing or invalid, please check our Authorization section in our Documentation."
404 resource_not_found "The specified resource has not been found."
405 request_method_not_supported "The specified request method ({method}) is not supported for this endpoint. Please check our Documentation and make sure you set the right request method."
allowed_methods "The specified method must be one of the following: {methods}."
415 unsupported_media_type "The selected Media Type is unavailable. The Content-Type header should be 'application/json'."
422 unprocessable_enitity "stricly follow on required parameter : missing parameter or attribute error"
Server Error 500 technical_issues "We are currently facing some technical issues, please try again later."
unexpected_server_error "An unexpected server error has occurred, we are working to fix this. Please try again later and in case it occurs again please report it to our team via email."
501 unimplemented "This {feature} has not been implemented yet."
503 temporary_shutdown_endpoint "This endpoint is temporarily stopped due to performance reasons. For more information please contact our team via email."

Request and Response Standards

  • requests are sent through HTTPS OR HTTP to the domain;
  • headers must by default incorporate the JSON content type application/json;
  • request public attributes must be all snake_case, e.g. "api_version": 1, "attribute_name": "attribute_value";
  • we enable CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing), for which the API responds with an Access-Control-Allow-Origin: header. Nevertheless, your users shouldn’t make direct API requests from a web application that you are building, as our CORS policy may change at some point without warning and any such requests could be then rejected;
  • API token must be kept secure and private by the users who own them.

Shortly put, all Affiliate requests include:

Authentication (API token + JSON)
Request Type (GET, POST, DELETE)

Our API Requests incorporate the following HTTP methods:

HTTP method Definition
GET Retrieve a specified resource/information from the server.
POST Send data to the server and requests to accept it.
DELETE Deletes a resource.

Note :

Our all apis list available on postman collection. using below link anyone can import our postman collection.
Postman Collection Link :


In Affiliate, the user is the one who is allowed to access and manage the Affiliate records. These users can be defined under various track sales, clicks, and so many actions.

User module in included all user activity related it's personal information data

here user can add it's unique profile, update, delete, login, change password and get details

Registration Form

The registration form can be structured dynamically by the admin at any time from settings. you can access that form's custom field from provided API.

Request :



{ "status": true, "data": [ { "type": "header", "label": "Firstname" }, { "type": "header", "label": "Lastname" }, { "type": "header", "label": "Email" }, { "type": "text", "label": "Mobile Phone", "placeholder": "Enter your mobile number", "className": "form-control", "name": "text-1621449816785", "mobile_validation": "true", "hide_on_registration": "true" }, { "type": "header", "label": "Username" }, { "type": "header", "label": "Password" }, { "type": "header", "label": "Confirm_password" }, { "type": "textarea", "required": "true", "label": "Text Area", "placeholder": "Your message", "className": "form-control", "name": "textarea-1623347397482" } ] }


Create new user with HTTP POST request.
During the creation you can set up all attributes describe in below
If given email and username doesn't exists it will be created

Request :


Parameter Type Required Description
firstname string true -
lastname string true -
username string number true your unique username
email string true -
password string number special character true -
cpassword string number special character true password confirmation
device_type number true (1 = android, 2 = ios)
device_token string true -
custom_text-1621449816785 Mobile Number false your mobile number
terms boolean true You must accept terms and conditions.


{"status":true,"message":"user registration successfully"}


Login user with HTTP POST request.

you can access all your affiliate system using your credentials. required to enter your username and password

Authentication token are required as an authentication method with Affiliate apis. By using an Authentication token you authenticate access to the specific API. Without authentication access to the API is denied.
login api will generate a unique your user token for API authentication.

Request :


Parameter Type Position Description
username string number Body you can add your unique username
password string number special character Body -
device_type number Body (1 = android, 2 = ios)
device_token string Body -


{"status":true,"message":"user login successfully","data":{"token":"raNdom-UniQe-toKEn-wilL-be-HeRe","user_status":"membership-status-refunded","firstname":"aff1000","lastname":"aff1000","email":"[email protected]","is_vendor":"0","profile_avatar":"http:\/\/\/aff\/7-0-0-0\/assets\/vertical\/assets\/images\/no-image.jpg"}}

Change Password

Change password with HTTP POST request.

API token is required for the authentication of the calling program to the API.

if you want to change your pass to enter old password and after add your new password and also enter confirm password.

Request :


Parameter Type Position Description
old_pass string Body -
password string Body -
conf_password string Body -


{ "status": true, "message": "password change successfully" }

My Profile Details

My profile details with HTTP POST request.

API token is required for the authentication of the calling program to the API.

there is no need any parameter. we are get your data using your verify token

Request :


Parameter Type Position Description
Authorization string Header compolsory pass this authentication token in your header also get from login api


{"status":true,"message":"user details get successfully","data":{"user_status":"membership-status-refunded","firstname":"aff1000","lastname":"aff1000","email":"[email protected]","is_vendor":"0","profile_image":"http:\/\/\/aff\/7-0-0-0\/assets\/vertical\/assets\/images\/no-image.jpg"}}

Update My Profile

Update my profile with HTTP POST request. with formate is Content-Type : multipart/form-data

API token is required for the authentication of the calling program to the API.

Here you can update your record and pass all parameter. uploads image set in file formate also updated data return in your update response. country_id data get using get countrie list api.

Request :


Parameter Type Required Description
firstname string true -
lastname string true -
username string number true your unique username
email string true -
password string number special character true -
cpassword string number special character true password confirmation
device_type number true (1 = android, 2 = ios)
device_token string true -
avatar string File true -
custom_text-1621449816785 Mobile Number false your mobile number


{"status":true,"message":"user details update successfully","data":{"id":"4","plan_id":"43","refid":"2","level_id":"0","type":"user","firstname":"aff1","lastname":"aff1","email":"[email protected]","username":"aff1","password":"3d4f2bf07dc1be38b20cd6e46949a1071f9d0e3d","phone":"+1 201-555-0124","twaddress":"","address1":"","address2":"","ucity":"","ucountry":"14","state":"0","uzip":"","avatar":"MHTRfViuOqlyPFpWrvt3XxaB8wcZmnN6.png","online":"0","unique_url":"","bitly_unique_url":"","updated_at":"2023-02-24 16:03:55","google_id":"","facebook_id":"","twitter_id":"","umode":"","PhoneNumber":"","Addressone":"","Addresstwo":"","City":"","Country":"14","StateProvince":"","Zip":"","f_link":"","t_link":"","l_link":"","products_wishlist":null,"product_commission":"0","affiliate_commission":"0","product_commission_paid":"0","affiliate_commission_paid":"0","product_total_click":"0","product_total_sale":"0","affiliate_total_click":"0","sale_commission":"0","sale_commission_paid":"0","status":"1","reg_approved":"1","is_vendor":"0","store_meta":null,"store_slug":null,"store_name":null,"store_contact_us_map":null,"store_address":null,"store_email":null,"store_contact_number":null,"store_terms_condition":"","value":"{\"PhoneNumberInput\":\"\"}","last_ping":"2023-04-24 12:21:34","install_location_details":"","token":"eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.IjIwMjMtMDQtMjQgMTQ6MTA6MzFhZmYxIg.FmAbUiQbO4vX9H-jx_vAqlARA4mPfjogFHJPt6FNySA","created_at":"2023-02-24 16:03:55","device_type":"1","device_token":"test","groups":null,"verification_id":null,"primary_payment_method":"bank_transfer"}}


Dashboard with HTTP GET request.

API token is required for the authentication of the calling program to the API.

Initially, dashboard API provides just basic details about users like refer status and refer links, but you can fetch more data by sending comma (,) separeted optional parameters in the "includes" key, check the below table for more details.

For purpose of use in the dashboard here, we provided limited market tools available for users. If you want to access all tools please check the separate My Affiliate Links API.

Request :


Parameter Type Position Description
Authorization string Header compolsory pass this authentication token in your header also get from login api
includes string optional plan_details,totals_count,top_affiliate,notifications,market_tools,chart_data


{"refer_status": true,"unique_reseller_link": "http://localhost/aff/4-0-0-7/register/ODg=","top_affiliate": [{"amount": "41","all_commition": "41","user_id": "65","type": "user","avatar": "","firstname": "aff11","lastname": "aff11","Country": "13","email": "[email protected]","sortname": "AU"}],"isMembershipAccess": true,"user_plan": {"total_day":"7","expire_at":"2021-06-18 15:20:14","started_at":"2021-06-11 15:20:14","status_id":"1","is_active":"1","is_lifetime":"0"},"user_totals": {"click_localstore_total":0,"click_localstore_commission":null,"sale_localstore_total":0,"sale_localstore_commission":0,"sale_localstore_count":0,"click_external_total":0,"click_external_commission":null,"order_external_total":null,"order_external_count":"0","order_external_commission":null,"click_action_total":0,"click_action_commission":null,"vendor_click_localstore_total":0,"vendor_click_localstore_commission_pay":null,"vendor_sale_localstore_total":null,"vendor_sale_localstore_commission_pay":null,"vendor_sale_localstore_count":null,"vendor_click_external_total":0,"vendor_click_external_commission_pay":null,"vendor_action_external_total":0,"vendor_action_external_commission_pay":null,"vendor_order_external_commission_pay":null,"vendor_order_external_count":"0","vendor_order_external_total":null,"click_form_total":0,"click_form_commission":null,"wallet_unpaid_amount":10,"wallet_unpaid_count":1,"user_balance":10},"refer_total": {"total_product_click": {"amounts": null,"clicks": 0},"total_ganeral_click": {"total_clicks": "0"},"total_action": {"click_count": "0"},"total_product_sale": {"amounts": null,"counts": "0","paid": null,"request": null,"unpaid": null}},"user_totals_week": "$10.00","user_totals_month": "$10.00","user_totals_year": "$10.00","notifications": [{"notification_id": "18","notification_viewfor": "admin","notification_view_user_id": null,"notification_title": "New User Registration","notification_url": "/userslist/88","notification_description": "fresh user register as a  on affiliate Program on 2021-06-11 16:44:16","notification_actionID": "88","notification_type": "user","store_contactus_description": null,"notification_is_read": "0","notification_ipaddress": "::1","notification_created_date": "2021-06-11 16:44:16"}],"chart": {"order_total": {"January": 0,"February": 0,"March": 0,"April": 0,"May": 0,"June": 0,"July": 0,"August": 0,"September": 0,"October": 0,"November": 0,"December": 0},"order_count": {"January": 0,"February": 0,"March": 0,"April": 0,"May": 0,"June": 0,"July": 0,"August": 0,"September": 0,"October": 0,"November": 0,"December": 0},"order_commission": {"January": 0,"February": 0,"March": 0,"April": 0,"May": 0,"June": 0,"July": 0,"August": 0,"September": 0,"October": 0,"November": 0,"December": 0},"action_commission": {"January": 0,"February": 0,"March": 0,"April": 0,"May": 0,"June": 0,"July": 0,"August": 0,"September": 0,"October": 0,"November": 0,"December": 0},"action_count": {"January": 0,"February": 0,"March": 0,"April": 0,"May": 0,"June": 0,"July": 0,"August": 0,"September": 0,"October": 0,"November": 0,"December": 0},"keys": {"1": "January","2": "February","3": "March","4": "April","5": "May","6": "June","7": "July","8": "August","9": "September","10": "October","11": "November","12": "December"}},"market_tools":{"form_default_commission":{"recaptcha":"","product_commission_type":"percentage","product_commission":"15","product_ppc":"7","product_noofpercommission":"1","form_recursion":"","recursion_custom_time":"0","recursion_endtime":null},"default_commition":{"click_allow":"multiple","product_commission_type":"percentage","product_commission":"10","product_ppc":"5","product_noofpercommission":"1","product_recursion":"","recursion_custom_time":"0","recursion_endtime":null},"data":[{"id":"11","redirectLocation":[""],"program_id":"4","name":"Vendor LInk Ads","vendor_id":"75","program_name":"vendor program","target_link":"","status":"1","action_click":"0","action_amount":"0","general_click":"0","general_amount":"0","admin_action_click":"0","admin_action_amount":"0","admin_general_click":"0","admin_general_amount":"0","_tool_type":"program","type":"Link 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My Logs List

My logs list with HTTP POST request.

API token is required for the authentication of the calling program to the API.

Here my logs list data display as pagignation wise. only data get using pass page_id and per_page parameter.
page_id is index of your page so you can pass your page id.
Ex. : display on first page pass 1, display on second page pass 2
per_page is count of data display of per page.

your logs data in display all your activity details types wise.

Request :


Parameter Type Position Description
page_id number Body pass your page number index for data display as pagignation wise
per_page number Body you want to set count for data display


{ "status": true, "message": "my log list get successfully", "data": { "clicks": [ { "type": "ex", "id": "18", "base_url": "http://localhost/aff/ver-4-0-0-5/store", "link": "http://localhost/aff/ver-4-0-0-5/store", "agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.0.4389.114 Safari/537.36", "browserName": "Google Chrome", "browserVersion": "89.0.4389.114", "systemString": "Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64", "osPlatform": "Windows", "osVersion": "10.0", "osShortVersion": "10.0", "isMobile": "0", "mobileName": "", "osArch": "64", "isIntel": "1", "isAMD": "0", "isPPC": "0", "ip": null, "country_code": "", "created_at": "10-04-2021 04:31 PM", "click_id": "3", "username": null, "click_type": "Store sale", "flag": "", "custom_data": [] } ], "start_from": 1 } }

My Network

My network with HTTP POST request.

API token is required for the authentication of the calling program to the API.

Here display your affiliate tree.
in this all your child user tree display. also display child user commision and cliks details.

Request :


Parameter Type Position Description
Authorization string Header compolsory pass this authentication token in your header also get from login api


{ "status": true, "message": "my network get successfully", "data": { "userslist": [ { "name": "System Admin", "children": [ { "name": "test", "children": [ { "name": "user12", "children": [] } ] } ] } ], "refer_total": { "total_product_click": { "amounts": null, "clicks": 0 }, "total_ganeral_click": { "total_clicks": "0" }, "total_action": { "click_count": "0" }, "total_product_sale": { "amounts": null, "counts": "0", "paid": null, "request": null, "unpaid": null } }, "referred_users_tree": [ { "title": "user12 user12", "email": "[email protected]", "click": 0, "external_click": 0, "form_click": 0, "aff_click": 0, "click_commission": "$0.00", "external_action_click": 0, "action_click_commission": "$0.00", "amount_external_sale_amount": "$0.00", "sale_commission": "$0.00", "paid_commition": "$0.00", "unpaid_commition": "$0.00", "in_request_commiton": "$0.00", "all_commition": "$0.00", "children": [] } ] } }

Get User Reports

Get user reports with HTTP POST request.

API token is required for the authentication of the calling program to the API.

Here user reports list data display as pagignation wise. only data get using pass page_id and per_page parameter.
page_id is index of your page so you can pass your page id.
Ex. : display on first page pass 1, display on second page pass 2
per_page is count of data display of per page.

In this statistics totals and transaction available

1) data display click by country, Action click by country, sale by country, refered user by country, client by country

2) display all transaction data as pagignation wise

3) display all reports statistics data

Request :


Parameter Type Position Description
page_id number Body pass your page number index for data display as pagignation wise
per_page number Body you want to set count for data display


{"status":true,"message":"get user reports details successfully","data":{"refer_status":true,"statistics":{"sale":[],"clicks":[]},"totals":{"unpaid_commition":10,"total_sale_commi":0,"total_in_request":0,"total_click_commi":0,"total_form_click_commi":0,"total_store_m_commission":0,"total_affiliate_click_commission":0,"total_no_click":0,"total_no_form_click":0,"aff_total_no_click":0,"admin_click_earning":0,"all_clicks_comm":0,"all_sale_comm":0,"affiliates_program":0,"total_sale_count":0,"total_sale":0,"total_vendor_sale":0,"total_sale_balance":0,"total_sale_week":0,"total_sale_month":0,"total_sale_year":0,"admin_click_earning_week":0,"admin_click_earning_month":0,"admin_click_earning_year":0,"admin_total_no_click":1,"all_clicks":0,"vendor_order_count":0,"total_paid":0,"total_paid_commition":0,"paid_commition":0,"requested_commition":0,"aff_paid_commition":0,"aff_unpaid_commition":0,"aff_requested_commition":0,"form_paid_commition":0,"form_unpaid_commition":0,"form_requested_commition":0,"total_transaction":1,"wallet_cancel_count":0,"wallet_cancel_amount":0,"wallet_accept_count":0,"wallet_accept_amount":0,"wallet_request_sent_count":0,"wallet_request_sent_amount":0,"wallet_on_hold_count":0,"wallet_on_hold_amount":0,"wallet_unpaid_amount":10,"wallet_unpaid_count":1,"integration":{"hold_action_count":0,"hold_orders":0,"total_commission":0},"admin_transaction":null,"store":{"hold_orders":0,"balance":0,"sale":0,"click_count":0,"click_amount":0,"total_commission":0},"total_sale_amount":0,"total_balance":0,"weekly_balance":0,"monthly_balance":0,"yearly_balance":0},"transaction":[]}}

Contact To Admin

Get user reports with HTTP POST request.

API token is required for the authentication of the calling program to the API.

if you want to contact with admin to pass your subject and message. here send mail to admin and it will contact to you.

Request :


Parameter Type Position Description
subject string Body -
email string Body -
fname string Body -
lastname string Body -
domain string Body -
body string Body -


{ "status": true, "message": "contact to admin successfully" }


Here display two types of category 1) integration category 2) store category

Interegation Category

Interegation category with HTTP GET request.

API token is required for the authentication of the calling program to the API.

Request :


Parameter Type Position Description
Authorization string Header compolsory pass this authentication token in your header also get from login api


{ "status": true, "message": "integration category list get successfully", "data": [ { "id": "2", "name": "test 2" }, { "id": "1", "name": "test 1" } ] }

Store Category

Store category with HTTP GET request.

API token is required for the authentication of the calling program to the API.

Request :


Parameter Type Position Description
Authorization string Header compolsory pass this authentication token in your header also get from login api


{ "status": true, "message": "store list get successfully", "data": [ { "id": "8", "name": "Cat Main 4" }, { "id": "7", "name": "Cat Main 3" }, { "id": "6", "name": "Cat Main 2" }, { "id": "5", "name": "Cat Main 1" }, { "id": "4", "name": "sub1" }, { "id": "3", "name": "clothing and footwear" }, { "id": "2", "name": "shoes" }, { "id": "1", "name": "Shirts" } ] }

My Wallet

Here manage user wallet in this includes clicks, balance, sales , withdraw request etc.

My Transaction

My transaction with HTTP POST request.

API token is required for the authentication of the calling program to the API.

Here display all my wallet transaction with filter perameter. filter available filter by type and filter by paid type. this type is fixed for filter.

Here user reports list data display as pagignation wise. only data get using pass page_id and per_page parameter.
page_id is index of your page so you can pass your page id.
Ex. : display on first page pass 1, display on second page pass 2
per_page is count of data display of per page.

Request :


Parameter Type Position Description
page_id number Body pass your page number index for data display as pagignation wise
per_page number Body you want to set count for data display
paid_status sting Body (optional parameter) paid OR unpaid
type sting Body (optional parameter) actions OR clicks OR sale OR external_integration


{"status":true,"message":"my wallet list get successfully","data":{"user_totals":{"click_localstore_total":0,"click_localstore_commission":null,"sale_localstore_total":0,"sale_localstore_commission":0,"sale_localstore_count":0,"click_external_total":0,"click_external_commission":null,"order_external_total":null,"order_external_count":"0","order_external_commission":null,"click_action_total":0,"click_action_commission":null,"vendor_click_localstore_total":0,"vendor_click_localstore_commission_pay":null,"vendor_sale_localstore_total":null,"vendor_sale_localstore_commission_pay":null,"vendor_sale_localstore_count":null,"vendor_click_external_total":0,"vendor_click_external_commission_pay":null,"vendor_action_external_total":0,"vendor_action_external_commission_pay":null,"vendor_order_external_commission_pay":null,"vendor_order_external_count":"0","vendor_order_external_total":null,"click_form_total":0,"click_form_commission":null,"wallet_unpaid_amount":10,"wallet_unpaid_count":1,"user_balance":10},"wallet_unpaid_amount":10,"transaction":[{"id":"28","user_id":"88","from_user_id":null,"amount":"10","comment":"Welcome Bonus","type":"welcome_bonus","dis_type":null,"status":"1","commission_status":"0","reference_id":"41","reference_id_2":null,"ip_details":"[{\"ip\":null,\"country_code\":\"\"}]","comm_from":"store","domain_name":null,"page_name":null,"is_action":"0","parent_id":"0","group_id":"0","is_vendor":"0","wv":null,"created_at":"2021-06-11 15:20:14","username":"fresh_user2","firstname":"test","lastname":"user","wallet_recursion_id":null,"wallet_recursion_status":null,"wallet_recursion_type":null,"wallet_recursion_custom_time":null,"wallet_recursion_next_transaction":null,"wallet_recursion_endtime":null,"payment_method":null,"integration_orders_total":null,"local_orders_total":null,"total_recurring":"0","total_recurring_amount":null}]}}

Recursion Transaction List

My transaction with HTTP POST request.

API token is required for the authentication of the calling program to the API.

here display transaction recursion list

Request :


Parameter Type Position Description
transaction_id number Body compolsory pass this transaction ID


{"status":true,"message":"transaction recursion list get successfully","data":{"transaction":[{"id":"78","user_id":"10","from_user_id":"0","amount":"1","comment":"Commission for 1 Action On localhost\/aff\/test\/admin_action.php |  Action Code : admin_action  <br> Clicked done from ip_message","type":"external_click_commission","dis_type":"banner","status":"1","commission_status":"0","reference_id":"2","reference_id_2":"admin_action","ip_details":"[{\"id\":\"6\",\"ip\":\"::1\",\"country_code\":\"\",\"script_name\":\"general_integration\",\"page_name\":\"\"}]","comm_from":"ex","domain_name":"localhost\/aff\/test\/admin_action.php","page_name":"","is_action":"1","parent_id":"66","group_id":"167955256314","is_vendor":"0","wv":null,"created_at":"2023-03-23 11:17:45","username":"ven2","firstname":"ven2","lastname":"ven2","usertype":"user","wallet_recursion_id":null,"wallet_recursion_status":null,"wallet_recursion_type":null,"wallet_recursion_custom_time":null,"wallet_recursion_next_transaction":null,"wallet_recursion_endtime":null,"payment_method":"0","integration_orders_total":null,"local_orders_total":null,"total_recurring":"0","total_recurring_amount":null,"has_recursion_records":null},{"id":"72","user_id":"10","from_user_id":"0","amount":"1","comment":"Commission for 1 Action On localhost\/aff\/test\/admin_action.php |  Action Code : admin_action  <br> Clicked done from ip_message","type":"external_click_commission","dis_type":"banner","status":"1","commission_status":"0","reference_id":"2","reference_id_2":"admin_action","ip_details":"[{\"id\":\"6\",\"ip\":\"::1\",\"country_code\":\"\",\"script_name\":\"general_integration\",\"page_name\":\"\"}]","comm_from":"ex","domain_name":"localhost\/aff\/test\/admin_action.php","page_name":"","is_action":"1","parent_id":"66","group_id":"167955256314","is_vendor":"0","wv":null,"created_at":"2023-03-23 10:45:49","username":"ven2","firstname":"ven2","lastname":"ven2","usertype":"user","wallet_recursion_id":null,"wallet_recursion_status":null,"wallet_recursion_type":null,"wallet_recursion_custom_time":null,"wallet_recursion_next_transaction":null,"wallet_recursion_endtime":null,"payment_method":"0","integration_orders_total":null,"local_orders_total":null,"total_recurring":"0","total_recurring_amount":null,"has_recursion_records":null}]}}            

Withdraw Request List

My transaction with HTTP POST request.

API token is required for the authentication of the calling program to the API.

here display new and old request data list

Request :


Parameter Type Position Description
Authorization string Header compolsory pass this authentication token in your header also get from login api


{"status":true,"message":"withdraw request list get successfully","data":{"list":[{"id":"2","tran_ids":"1","total":"5","status":"1","user_id":"64","prefer_method":"bank_transfer","settings":"[]","created_at":"2021-06-12 14:32:04"},{"id":"1","tran_ids":"29,14,2","total":"21","status":"0","user_id":"64","prefer_method":"bank_transfer","settings":"[]","created_at":"2021-06-12 14:29:50"}],"status":["ON HOLD","IN WALLET","REQUEST SENT","ACCEPT","DECLINE"],"status_icon":[["<small style='font-size:15px;' class='badge badge-danger'>ON HOLD</small>","<small style='font-size:15px;' class='badge badge-primary'>IN WALLET</small>","<small style='font-size:15px;' class='badge badge-warning'>REQUEST SENT</small>","<small style='font-size:15px;' class='badge badge-success'>ACCEPT</small>","<small style='font-size:15px;' class='badge badge-danger'>DECLINE</small>"]],"payout_transaction":[{"id":  "1", "user_id":  "3", "from_user_id":  null,"amount":  "29.75","comment":  "Commission for general_integration | external_order_id 426 | Sale done from ip_message","type":  "sale_commission","dis_type":  null,"status":  "0","reference_id":  "6","reference_id_2":  "1","ip_details":  "[{\"ip\":\"::1\",\"country_code\":\"\",\"script_name\":\"general_integration\"}]","comm_from":  "ex","domain_name":  "localhost/test/order.php","page_name":  null,"is_action":  "0","parent_id":  "0","group_id":  "1616082550","is_vendor":  "0","wv":  null,"created_at":  "2021-03-18 15 : 49 : 11","username":  "user1","firstname":  "user1","lastname":  "user1","wallet_recursion_id":  null,"wallet_recursion_status":  null,"wallet_recursion_type":  null,"wallet_recursion_custom_time":  null,"wallet_recursion_next_transaction":  null,"wallet_recursion_endtime":  null,"payment_method":  null,"integration_orders_total":  "119","local_orders_total":  null,"total_recurring":  "0","total_recurring_amount":  null}]}}            

Withdraw Request

My transaction with HTTP POST request.

API token is required for the authentication of the calling program to the API.

Here you can pass ids in separated coma

Request :


Parameter Type Position Description
ids coma sepreted Body pass ids as coma seprated


{"status":true,"message":"withdraw request send successfully"}

Perticular Withdraw Request

Perticular withdraw request with HTTP POST request.

API token is required for the authentication of the calling program to the API.

send withdraw request id (you can get id using withdraw request list)

Request :


Parameter Type Position Description
id number Body send withdraw request id (you can get using withdraw request list)


{"status":true,"message":"perticular withdraw request details get successfully","data":{"request":{"id":"2","tran_ids":"1","total":"5","status":"1","user_id":"64","prefer_method":"bank_transfer","settings":"[]","created_at":"2021-06-12 14:32:04"},"transaction":[{"id":"1","user_id":"64","from_user_id":null,"amount":"5","comment":"Commission for 1 click on product <br> Clicked done from ip_message","type":"click_commission","dis_type":null,"status":"3","commission_status":"0","reference_id":"3","reference_id_2":"","ip_details":"[{\"ip\":\"::1\",\"country_code\":\"\"}]","comm_from":"store","domain_name":null,"page_name":null,"is_action":"0","parent_id":"0","group_id":"1623256015","is_vendor":"0","wv":"V2","created_at":"2021-06-09 16:26:56","username":"aff12","firstname":"aff12","lastname":"aff12","wallet_recursion_id":null,"wallet_recursion_status":null,"wallet_recursion_type":null,"wallet_recursion_custom_time":null,"wallet_recursion_next_transaction":null,"wallet_recursion_endtime":null,"payment_method":null,"integration_orders_total":null,"local_orders_total":null,"total_recurring":"0","total_recurring_amount":null}],"status":["ON HOLD","IN WALLET","REQUEST SENT","ACCEPT","DECLINE"],"status_icon":["<small style='font-size:15px;' class='badge badge-danger'>ON HOLD<\/small>","<small style='font-size:15px;' class='badge badge-primary'>IN WALLET<\/small>","<small style='font-size:15px;' class='badge badge-warning'>REQUEST SENT<\/small>","<small style='font-size:15px;' class='badge badge-success'>ACCEPT<\/small>","<small style='font-size:15px;' class='badge badge-danger'>DECLINE<\/small>"]}}

My Order

All order list, payment details, with order information and it's status details available in order section. also display product information and prodcut commision details.

My Order List

Perticular withdraw request with HTTP POST request.

API token is required for the authentication of the calling program to the API.

You can set filter as order status wise.

Here product order list data display as pagignation wise. only data get using pass page_id and per_page parameter.
page_id is index of your page so you can pass your page id.
Ex. : display on first page pass 1, display on second page pass 2
per_page is count of data display of per page.

Request :


Parameter Type Position Description
page_id number Body pass your page number index for data display as pagignation wise
per_page number Body you want to set count for data display
filter_status string Body compolsory pass this authentication token in your header also get from login api


{"status":true,"message":"order list get successfully","data":{"orders":[{"id":"3","wallet_status":"2","wallet_commission_status":"0","type":"ex","order_id":"757","product_ids":"119","total":"114","currency":"USD","user_id":"64","commission_type":"fixed","commission":"10","ip":"::1","country_code":"","base_url":"localhost\/test\/store1.php","ads_id":"5","script_name":"general_integration","custom_data":"[]","created_at":"12-06-2021 10:58 AM","user_name":"aff12 aff12","order_country_flag":"<img style='width: 20px;margin: 0 10px;' src='http://localhost/aff/4-0-0-7/assets/vertical/assets/images/flags/us.png'> IP:"},{"id":"1","wallet_status":"2","wallet_commission_status":"0","type":"ex","order_id":"133","product_ids":"169","total":"105","currency":"USD","user_id":"64","commission_type":"fixed","commission":"10","ip":"","country_code":"","base_url":"localhost/test/store1.php","ads_id":"5","script_name":"general_integration","custom_data":"[]","created_at":"09-06-2021 04:27 PM","user_name":"aff12 aff12","order_country_flag":"<img style='width: 20px;margin: 0 10px;' src='http://localhost/aff/4-0-0-7/assets/vertical/assets/images/flags/us.png'> IP:"}],"start_from":1,"wallet_status":["Pending","Complete","Proccessing","Cancel","Decline"]}}

My Order List Status

Perticular withdraw request with HTTP POST request.

API token is required for the authentication of the calling program to the API.

Display all order status and it's used for search in order list.

Request :


Parameter Type Position Description
Authorization string Header compolsory pass this authentication token in your header also get from login api


{"status":true,"message":"my orders status list get successfully","data":{"12":"Waiting For Payment","0":"Waiting For Payment","1":"Complete","2":"Total not match","3":"Denied","4":"Expired","5":"Failed","6":"Pending","7":"Processed","8":"Refunded","9":"Reversed","10":"Voided","11":"Canceled Reversal"}}

Subscription Plan

Admin can create unlimited packages/plans of Time/Price.
also display your plan history. if you want buy any plan to process set in our web. so you can purchase our plan using our web. here only display our packages and price.

Buy Memebership Plan

Buy memebership plan request with HTTP GET request.

API token is required for the authentication of the calling program to the API.

Here display all plan history and all available payment method. also display here your active plan details.

Request :


Parameter Type Position Description
Authorization string Header compolsory pass this authentication token in your header also get from login api


    "status": true,
    "message": "get membership plan successfully",
    "data": {
        "notcheckmember": 1,
        "MembershipSetting": {
            "status": "1",
            "notificationbefore": "10",
            "default_plan_id": "1",
            "default_affiliate_plan_id": "2",
            "default_vendor_plan_id": ""
        "plans": [
                "id": 2,
                "name": "test",
                "type": "free",
                "billing_period": "monthly",
                "price": 0,
                "special": 0,
                "custom_period": 0,
                "have_trail": 0,
                "free_trail": 0,
                "total_day": 30,
                "bonus": 10,
                "commission_sale_status": 0,
                "level_id": 0,
                "status": 1,
                "user_type": 1,
                "campaign": null,
                "product": null,
                "description": "",
                "plan_icon": null,
                "label_text": "Free 30 Days Trial",
                "label_background": "#FF9900",
                "label_color": "#FFFFFF",
                "sort_order": 0,
                "updated_at": "2022-08-12 10:18:29",
                "created_at": "2022-07-28 08:08:14"
                "id": 3,
                "name": "vendor package",
                "type": "paid",
                "billing_period": "monthly",
                "price": 10,
                "special": 7,
                "custom_period": 0,
                "have_trail": 0,
                "free_trail": 0,
                "total_day": 30,
                "bonus": 1,
                "commission_sale_status": 0,
                "level_id": 0,
                "status": 1,
                "user_type": 2,
                "campaign": null,
                "product": 5,
                "description": "<p>vendor package</p><p>vendor package</p><p>vendor package</p><p>vendor package<br></p>",
                "plan_icon": null,
                "label_text": "vendor package",
                "label_background": "#0000FF",
                "label_color": "#FFFFFF",
                "sort_order": 0,
                "updated_at": "2022-08-21 18:05:02",
                "created_at": "2022-07-28 09:06:56"
        "methods": {
            "bank_transfer": {
                "is_install": "1",
                "title": "Bank Transfer",
                "icon": "assets/payment_gateway/bank-transfer.png",
                "name": "bank_transfer"
            "flutterwave": {
                "is_install": "1",
                "title": "Flutterwave",
                "icon": "assets/payment_gateway/flutterwave.png",
                "name": "flutterwave"
            "paypal": {
                "is_install": "1",
                "title": "Paypal",
                "icon": "assets/payment_gateway/paypal.png",
                "name": "paypal"
            "paypalstandard": {
                "is_install": "1",
                "title": "Paypal Standard",
                "icon": "assets/payment_gateway/paypal.png",
                "name": "paypalstandard"
            "paystack": {
                "is_install": "1",
                "title": "paystack",
                "icon": "assets/payment_gateway/paystack.png",
                "name": "paystack"
            "razorpay": {
                "is_install": "1",
                "title": "Razorpay",
                "icon": "assets/payment_gateway/razorpay.png",
                "name": "razorpay"
            "skrill": {
                "is_install": "1",
                "title": "Skrill",
                "icon": "assets/payment_gateway/skrill.png",
                "name": "skrill"
            "stripe": {
                "is_install": "1",
                "environment": "0",
                "test_public_key": "pk_test_51HIplPAflMT1sQX0od48Wk2ZSXpFfk9c2Oy19lJBBDTqgla6Q8uzZpWjF39oeNt05ROLbFAOIZnrXEKzZJiqr4g200HSDMgxRR",
                "test_secret_key": "sk_test_51HIplPAflMT1sQX0Vy58Mh9fEIzVJrMxWnRBK2mHnBgafMhO96LEpYDr9ayoEXp1MaJfDnQ1VAI9LsaSjbUJGpir006JxQIE6W",
                "live_public_key": "",
                "live_secret_key": "",
                "order_success_status": "1",
                "order_failed_status": "5",
                "title": "Stripe",
                "icon": "assets/payment_gateway/stripe.png",
                "name": "stripe"
            "toyyibpay": {
                "is_install": "1",
                "toyyibpay_userSecretKey": "g5e90x5p-zpuy-p70s-zkdw-4e62egju15mq",
                "toyyibpay_category_id": "jjm6glon",
                "order_success_status_id": "1",
                "pending_status_id": "6",
                "order_failed_status_id": "5",
                "title": "Toyyibpay",
                "icon": "assets/payment_gateway/toyyibpay.png",
                "name": "toyyibpay"
            "xendit": {
                "is_install": "1",
                "title": "Xendit",
                "icon": "assets/payment_gateway/xendit.png",
                "name": "xendit"
            "yappy": {
                "is_install": "1",
                "title": "Yappy",
                "icon": "assets/payment_gateway/yappy.png",
                "name": "yappy"
            "yookassa": {
                "is_install": "1",
                "title": "Yookassa",
                "icon": "assets/payment_gateway/yookassa.png",
                "name": "yookassa"

Plan History

Plan history request with HTTP GET request.

API token is required for the authentication of the calling program to the API.

Here display all my purchase plan

Here product order list data display as pagignation wise. only data get using pass page_id and per_page parameter.
page_id is index of your page so you can pass your page id.
Ex. : display on first page pass 1, display on second page pass 2
per_page is count of data display of per page.

Request :


Parameter Type Position Description
page_id number Body pass your page number index for data display as pagignation wise
per_page number Body you want to set count for data display


{"status":true,"message":"get purchase plan successfully",
               "plans":{"current_page":1,"data": [
                    "id": 20,
                    "plan_id": 2,
                    "user_id": 4,
                    "total_day": 30,
                    "expire_at": "2022-10-14 08:43:18",
                    "started_at": "2022-09-14 08:43:18",
                    "status_id": 1,
                    "is_active": 1,
                    "is_lifetime": 0,
                    "payment_method": "",
                    "payment_details": "[]",
                    "total": 0,
                    "bonus_commission": 10,
                    "expire_mail_sent": 0,
                    "created_at": "2022-09-14 08:43:18",
                    "plan": {
                        "id": 2,
                        "name": "test",
                        "type": "free",
                        "billing_period": "monthly",
                        "price": 0,
                        "special": 0,
                        "custom_period": 0,
                        "have_trail": 0,
                        "free_trail": 0,
                        "total_day": 30,
                        "bonus": 10,
                        "commission_sale_status": 0,
                        "level_id": 0,
                        "status": 1,
                        "user_type": 1,
                        "campaign": null,
                        "product": null,
                        "description": "",
                        "plan_icon": null,
                        "label_text": "Free 30 Days Trial",
                        "label_background": "#FF9900",
                        "label_color": "#FFFFFF",
                        "sort_order": 0,
                        "updated_at": "2022-08-12 10:18:29",
                        "created_at": "2022-07-28 08:08:14"
                    "id": 17,
                    "plan_id": 2,
                    "user_id": 4,
                    "total_day": 30,
                    "expire_at": "2022-10-13 09:11:59",
                    "started_at": "2022-09-13 09:11:59",
                    "status_id": 1,
                    "is_active": 0,
                    "is_lifetime": 0,
                    "payment_method": "",
                    "payment_details": "[]",
                    "total": 0,
                    "bonus_commission": 10,
                    "expire_mail_sent": 0,
                    "created_at": "2022-09-13 09:11:59",
                    "plan": {
                        "id": 2,
                        "name": "test",
                        "type": "free",
                        "billing_period": "monthly",
                        "price": 0,
                        "special": 0,
                        "custom_period": 0,
                        "have_trail": 0,
                        "free_trail": 0,
                        "total_day": 30,
                        "bonus": 10,
                        "commission_sale_status": 0,
                        "level_id": 0,
                        "status": 1,
                        "user_type": 1,
                        "campaign": null,
                        "product": null,
                        "description": "",
                        "plan_icon": null,
                        "label_text": "Free 30 Days Trial",
                        "label_background": "#FF9900",
                        "label_color": "#FFFFFF",
                        "sort_order": 0,
                        "updated_at": "2022-08-12 10:18:29",
                        "created_at": "2022-07-28 08:08:14"

Vendor Market Place

In this manage your product and coupon also you can manage your store setting.

My Product

My product request with HTTP GET request.

API token is required for the authentication of the calling program to the API.

Here display all product listed with it's clicks / commission, sales / commission with all commission details.

Request :


Parameter Type Position Description
Authorization string Header compolsory pass this authentication token in your header also get from login api


{ "status": true, "message": "store product list get successfully", "data": { "default_commition": { "click_allow": "single", "product_commission_type": "percentage", "product_commission": "25", "product_ppc": "1", "product_noofpercommission": "1", "product_recursion": "", "recursion_custom_time": "0", "recursion_endtime": null }, "productlist": [ { "product_id": "17", "product_name": "check product - Duplicate", "product_description": "this is a test description of the product", "product_short_description": "this is a test product add by me", "product_tags": "", "product_msrp": "0", "product_price": "500", "product_sku": "SKU", "product_slug": "check-product-duplicate-17", "product_share_count": "", "product_click_count": "0", "product_view_count": "0", "product_sales_count": "0", "product_featured_image": "yXgDzuwN6SUFKYGivqBVlchjW598sIn1.jpg", "product_banner": "", "product_video": "", "product_type": "virtual", "product_commision_type": "default", "product_commision_value": "0", "product_status": "0", "product_ipaddress": "::1", "product_created_date": "2021-04-01 18:14:06", "product_updated_date": "0000-00-00 00:00:00", "product_created_by": "3", "product_updated_by": "0", "product_click_commision_type": "default", "product_click_commision_ppc": "0", "product_click_commision_per": "0", "product_total_commission": "0", "product_recursion_type": "custom", "product_recursion": "every_day", "recursion_custom_time": "0", "recursion_endtime": "2021-03-20 03:00:00", "view": "0", "on_store": "1", "downloadable_files": "[]", "allow_shipping": "1", "allow_upload_file": "1", "allow_comment": "1", "state_id": "12", "product_avg_rating": "0", "product_variations": "", "seller_firstname": "user1", "seller_lastname": "user1", "seller_username": "user1", "seller_id": "3", "commission": null, "order_count": "0", "commition_click_count": "0", "commition_click_count_admin": "0", "commition_click": null } ] } }

Get Product Name

My product request with HTTP GET request.

API token is required for the authentication of the calling program to the API.

Here display all products name with it's ids.

Request :


Parameter Type Position Description
Authorization string Header compolsory pass this authentication token in your header also get from login api


{ "status": true, "message": "product name list get successfully", "data": [ { "product_id": "2", "product_name": "vendor product" }, { "product_id": "3", "product_name": "vendor product - Duplicate" }, { "product_id": "4", "product_name": "check product" }, { "product_id": "16", "product_name": "check product - Duplicate" }, { "product_id": "17", "product_name": "check product - Duplicate" } ] }

Manage Product Coupon

My product request with HTTP POST request.

API token is required for the authentication of the calling program to the API.

Using order manage api you can add and edit your product coupon code.
Used id when update your coupon code

Request :


Parameter Type Position Description
name string Body compolsory pass this authentication token in your header also get from login api
code string Body compolsory pass this authentication token in your header also get from login api
type string Body P OR F (P = Percentage , F = Fixed)
allow_for string Body A OR S (A = All, S = Selected Only)
discount date Body -
date_start date Body date formate is Y-m-d
date_end string Body date formate is Y-m-d
status number Body 1 = Enable, 0 = Disable
products string Body Add product id as a sepreted comma . Used product name service
uses_total number Body optional variable
id number Body Used id when update your coupon code


{ "status": true, "message": "coupon code add successfully" }

Delete Coupon

My product request with HTTP DELETE request.

API token is required for the authentication of the calling program to the API.

Using this api you can removed your coupon. in this api you can pass id in query string

Request :


Parameter Type Position Description
coupon_id number query string -


{ "status": true, "message": "delete coupon successfully" }

Get Store Setting details

My product request with HTTP GET request.

API token is required for the authentication of the calling program to the API.

Using this api you can get your affiliate store setting details.

Request :


Parameter Type Position Description
Authorization string Header compolsory pass this authentication token in your header also get from login api


{ "status": true, "message": "store setting get successfully", "data": { "user_id": "3", "vendor_status": "1", "affiliate_sale_commission_type": "fixed", "affiliate_commission_value": "10", "affiliate_click_count": "1", "affiliate_click_amount": "20", "form_affiliate_click_count": "60", "form_affiliate_click_amount": "0", "form_affiliate_sale_commission_type": "", "form_affiliate_commission_value": "0" } }

Manage Store Setting Details

My product request with HTTP POST request.

API token is required for the authentication of the calling program to the API.

Using this api you can change your store setting details

Request :


Parameter Type Position Description
vendor_status string Body O OR 1 (0 = No , 1 = Yes)
affiliate_click_count string Body (optional)
affiliate_click_amount string Body (optional)
affiliate_sale_commission_type string Body percentage OR fixed
affiliate_commission_value string Body (optional)
form_affiliate_click_count string Body (optional)
form_affiliate_click_amount string Body (optional)
form_affiliate_sale_commission_type string Body (optional)
form_affiliate_commission_value string Body (optional)


{ "status": true, "message": "store setting change successfully" }

Get Store Coupon List

My product request with HTTP GET request.

API token is required for the authentication of the calling program to the API.

Using this api you can get all your coupons

Request :


Parameter Type Position Description
Authorization string Header compolsory pass this authentication token in your header also get from login api


{ "status": true, "message": "get store coupon list successfully", "data": [ { "coupon_id": "2", "name": "Test coupon", "code": "#TTY77", "type": "P", "discount": "5.0000", "date_start": "2021-03-28", "date_end": "2021-03-31", "uses_total": "50", "status": "0", "products": null, "vendor_id": "3", "allow_for": "A", "date_added": "2021-03-28 12:30:15", "product_count": 7, "count_coupon": 0 } ] }

Get Countrie List

My product request with HTTP GET request.

API token is required for the authentication of the calling program to the API.

You can get all country data using this api. whenever you need countries you can get this api.

Request :


Parameter Type Position Description
Authorization string Header compolsory pass this authentication token in your header also get from login api


{ "status": true, "message": "country list get successfully", "data": [ { "name": "Afghanistan", "id": "1" }, { "name": "Albania", "id": "2" }, { "name": "Algeria", "id": "3" } ] }

Get State List

My product request with HTTP POST request.

API token is required for the authentication of the calling program to the API.

You can all state as country wise. in this pass country id to get all states of this country.

Request :


Parameter Type Position Description
Authorization string Header compolsory pass this authentication token in your header also get from login api
country_id number body pass country_id to get states for that country


{ "status": true, "message": "state list get successfully", "data": [ { "id": "42", "name": "Badakhshan" }, { "id": "43", "name": "Badgis" }, { "id": "44", "name": "Baglan" }, { "id": "45", "name": "Balkh" } ] }

Manage Product

My product request with HTTP POST request.

API token is required for the authentication of the calling program to the API.

You can add and edit your product using this api. in this many modules available like that you can add prodcut as multiple category wise, you can add product as sales and click commision wise also you can manage your custom sales and click commision.

Request :


Parameter Type Position Description
product_name string Body -
product_description string Body -
product_short_description string Body -
category[] string Body data get from category list and add as a array formate
product_price number Body -
product_sku string Body -
allow_country number Body 1 OR 0 (1 = Enable, 0 = Disable) (optional)
country_id number Body get from country list api (optional if allow_country=0)
state_id number Body get from state list api ((optional if allow_country=0)
product_recursion_type number Body custom OR default
product_recursion number Body every_day OR every_week OR every_month OR every_year OR custom_time
recursion_custom_time number Body every_day OR every_week OR every_month OR every_year OR custom_time
product_id number Body if you want to edit record set product id
product_featured_image file Body -
downloadable_file[] file Body you can add downloadable_file as a multiple
product_type string Body downloadable OR virtual
keep_files file Body uploads zip file
admin_comment string Body comment add by admin and save
affiliate_click_commission_type string Body default OR fixed
affiliate_click_count number Body default OR fixed
affiliate_click_amount number Body default OR fixed
affiliate_sale_commission_type number Body default OR percentage OR fixed
affiliate_commission_value number Body -


{ "status": true, "message": "product manage successfully" }

Delete Product

My product request with HTTP DELETE request.

API token is required for the authentication of the calling program to the API.

You can delete your product using this api. in this need to pass id in query string.

Request :


Parameter Type Position Description
product_id number Query String -


{ "status": true, "message": "product delete successfully" }

Create Duplicate Product

My product request with HTTP POST request.

API token is required for the authentication of the calling program to the API.

You can create new dupliacte product same as your old product using this api. in this you can pass your product id.

Request :


Parameter Type Position Description
product_id number Header -


{ "status": true, "message": "create duplicate product successfully" }

Get Product All Images

My product request with HTTP POST request.

API token is required for the authentication of the calling program to the API.

In this you can get all product images of perticualr product. need to pass peroduct id and get all product album images.

Request :


Parameter Type Position Description
product_id number Query String -


{ "status": true, "message": "get all images list successfully", "data": [ { "product_media_upload_id": "4", "product_id": "17", "product_media_upload_type": "image", "product_media_upload_path": "idLDZQ4G9jIqXgeh1RmC8HusBPk5NUct.png", "product_media_upload_video_image": "no-image.jpg", "product_media_upload_status": "1", "product_media_upload_ipaddress": "::1", "product_media_upload_created_date": "2021-03-30 17:10:13", "product_media_upload_created_by": "3", "product_media_upload_os": "Unknown Windows OS", "product_media_upload_browser": "Chrome", "product_media_upload_isp": "DESKTOP-1AUGRKG" }, { "product_media_upload_id": "5", "product_id": "17", "product_media_upload_type": "image", "product_media_upload_path": "dShcaoJNY9IK6fPs0l2xqTwEzyFAgWjt.jpg", "product_media_upload_video_image": "no-image.jpg", "product_media_upload_status": "1", "product_media_upload_ipaddress": "::1", "product_media_upload_created_date": "2021-04-01 16:18:05", "product_media_upload_created_by": "3", "product_media_upload_os": "Unknown Windows OS", "product_media_upload_browser": "Chrome", "product_media_upload_isp": "DESKTOP-1AUGRKG" } ] }

Delete Product Image

My product request with HTTP DELETE request.

API token is required for the authentication of the calling program to the API.

Using this api you can delete your perticular product album image. in this pass images id in query string.

Request :


Parameter Type Position Description
image_id number Body -


{ "status": true, "message": "product image delete successfully" }

Add Product Images

My product request with HTTP POST request.

API token is required for the authentication of the calling program to the API.

You can add add images of perticular product. in this need to pass file as multipart formadata and you can also uploads image in multiple files.

Request :


Parameter Type Position Description
product_multiple_image[] file Body uploads multiples file
product_id number Body -


{ "status": true, "message": "product images add successfully" }

Vendor Market Tools

In this section including marketing programs and marketing ads. we have many types of ads available like : banners, text ads, invisible links and viral videos also we can manage this add. in this ads creation, list, edit and delete option available.

Perticular ads have it's unique setting like : general setting, level setting, recurring setting, and postback setting.

Manage My Marketing Program

My product request with HTTP POST request.

API token is required for the authentication of the calling program to the API.

Using this api you can add you custom program in this you can set your affiliate sale settings and affiliate click settings

Request :


Parameter Type Position Description
name string Body -
sale_status number Body Oprional (0 = Disable, 1 = Enable)
commission_type string Body if required sale_status = 1 (percentage OR fixed)
commission_sale number Body if required sale_status = 1
click_status number Body Optional (0 = Disable, 1 = Enable)
commission_number_of_click number Body if required click_status= 1
commission_click_commission number Body if required click_status= 1
program_id number Body (optional) you can pass when you want edit record
comment string Body (optional)


{ "status": true, "message": "my marketing program manage successfully" }

Get My Marketing Program List

Get my marketing program list request with GET request.

API token is required for the authentication of the calling program to the API.

Using this api you can get all program list data. in this you can see your sales commision and clicks commision

Request :


Parameter Type Position Description
Authorization string Header compolsory pass this authentication token in your header also get from login api


{ "status": true, "message": "my marketing program list get successfully", "data": [ { "id": "14", "vendor_id": "31", "status": "0", "name": "check edit", "commission_type": "percentage", "commission_sale": "1", "sale_status": "1", "commission_number_of_click": "50", "commission_click_commission": "1", "click_status": "1", "admin_commission_type": "", "admin_commission_sale": "0", "admin_commission_number_of_click": "0", "admin_commission_click_commission": "0", "admin_click_status": "0", "admin_sale_status": "0", "comment": "[{'from': 'admin','comment':'check edit'}]", "click_allow": null, "created_at": "2021-04-09 18:17:43", "username": "user1", "associate_programns": "0" } ] }

Delete My Marketing Program

Delete my marketing program request with DELETE request.

API token is required for the authentication of the calling program to the API.

You can delete your program data using this api. in this api you can pass id in query string

Request :


Parameter Type Position Description
program_id number Body -


{ "status": true, "message": "my marketing program delete successfully" }

Get Integration Tools

Get integration tools request with POST request.

API token is required for the authentication of the calling program to the API.

You can find all intrigatin tools data using this api. also you can filter using category and ads name wise.

Here integration tools data display as pagignation wise. only data get using pass page_id and per_page parameter.
page_id is index of your page so you can pass your page id.
Ex. : display on first page pass 1, display on second page pass 2
per_page is count of data display of per page.

Request :


Parameter Type Position Description
page_id initger Body -
page_count number Body -
category_id number Body get data from get integration category api (optional)
ads_name string Body (optional)


{ "status": true, "message": "integration tools get successfully", "data": [ { "id": "89", "redirectLocation": [], "program_id": "1", "name": "First Ads check", "vendor_id": "31", "program_name": "test", "target_link": "https://localhost/aff/ver-4-0-0-5/usercontrol/integration_tools_form/", "status": "0", "action_click": "100", "action_amount": "5", "general_click": "100", "general_amount": "50", "admin_action_click": null, "admin_action_amount": "0", "admin_general_click": null, "admin_general_amount": "0", "_tool_type": "program", "type": "Banner", "_type": "banner", "commission_type": "percentage", "commission_sale": "50", "commission_number_of_click": "2", "commission_click_commission": "1", "click_status": "1", "sale_status": "1", "admin_commission_type": null, "admin_commission_sale": null, "admin_commission_number_of_click": null, "admin_commission_click_commission": null, "admin_click_status": null, "admin_sale_status": null, "recursion": "every_week", "recursion_custom_time": "0", "username": "user1", "recursion_endtime": "2021-02-18 10:30:05", "featured_image": null, "total_sale_amount": "$0.00", "total_click_amount": "$0.00", "total_action_click_amount": "$0.00", "total_general_click_amount": "$0.00", "total_sale_count": 0, "total_click_count": 0, "total_action_click_count": 0, "total_general_click_count": 0, "tool_type": "Program", "created_at": "09-04-2021 07:10 PM", "product_created_date": "09-04-2021 07:10 PM", "is_tool": 1, "slug": "" } ] }

Get Dynamic Param

Get dynamic param request with GET request.

API token is required for the authentication of the calling program to the API.

You can use dynaic param data in integration tools times.

Request :


Parameter Type Position Description
Authorization string Header compolsory pass this authentication token in your header also get from login api


{ "status": true, "message": "dynamic param get successfully", "data": { "city": "City", "regionCode": "Region Code", "regionName": "Region Name", "countryCode": "Country Code", "countryName": "Country Name", "continentName": "Continent Name", "timezone": "Timezone", "currencyCode": "Currency Code", "currencySymbol": "Currency Symbol", "ip": "IP", "type": "Type action,general_click,product_click,sale", "id": "ID (Sale ID OR Click ID)" } }

Duplicate Intrigation Tools Ads

Get dynamic param request with POST request.

API token is required for the authentication of the calling program to the API.

You can create new duplicate intrigation tools ad same as your old intrigation tools ad using this api. in this you can pass your tools id.

Request :


Parameter Type Position Description
tools_id number Body -


{ "status": true, "message": "duplicate ads create successfully" }

Intrigation Tools Manage

Intrigation tools manage request with POST request.

API token is required for the authentication of the calling program to the API.

Using this api you can create one ads. there is 4 types of ads : banner, text, links and videos.
perticualr ads have 4 setting available general setting, level setting, recurring settting, postback setting
general setting have 3 tool types program, action and general click
level setting have default and custom commission types available in this you can pass referlevel1 to 10.
recurring setting have every day, week, month and year and custom time recursion.
postback setting have default and custom postback setting. also here add our dynamic and statics parameter.
if you can set type banner so in this you can add multiple banner images
if you can set type text so in this you can add test size and text color, background color etc.
if you can set type link so in this you can add link title
if you can set type video so in this you can add video url and it's height width
also you can edit record using this parameter program_tool_id

Request :


Parameter Type Position Description
name string Body -
type string Body banner OR text_ads OR video_ads OR link_ads
tool_type string Body program OR action OR general_click
target_link url Body -
program_id number Body if required you can select vendor program (fixed value = 3)
action_click number Body if required tool_type = action
action_amount number Body if required tool_type = action
action_code number Body if required(unique code) tool_type = action
general_click number Body if required tool_type = general_click
general_amount number Body if required tool_type = general_click
general_code number Body if required (unique code) tool_type = general_click
featured_image file Body -
recursion string Body every_day OR every_week OR every_month OR every_year OR custom_time (required)
text_ads_content string Body if required type = text_ads
text_color string Body if required type = text_ads
text_border_color string Body if required type = text_ads
text_size string Body if required type = text_ads
text_bg_color string Body if required type = text_ads
recursion_custom_time string Body if required recursion = custom_time (you can add minitues)
allow_for_radio number Body 1 OR 0 (by default 0 == selected all affiliate user)
program_tool_id number Body 1 OR 0 (by default 0 == selected all affiliate user)
category[] array Body -
allow_for[] array Body -
recursion_endtime_status string Body if you are set allow pass on
recursion_endtime date-time Body you can pass here date and time
custom_banner[] file Body optional (you can add type = banner)
video_link link Body if required type = video_ads
button_text string Body if required type = video_ads
video_height string Body if required type = video_ads
video_width string Body if required type = video_ads
link_title string Body if required type = link_ads
comment string Body (optional)
commission_type string Body optional (custom OR '')
referlevel[sale_type] string Body optional (percentage OR fixed) add level setting time
referlevel_1[commition] string Body (number) add level setting time
referlevel_1[sale_commition] string Body (number) add level setting time
referlevel_1[ex_commition] string Body (number) add level setting time
referlevel_1[ex_action_commition] string Body (number) add level setting time
marketpostback string Body (default OR custom) postback setting time {"status":"custom","url":"","dynamicparam":{"city":"city","countryName":"countryName","currencySymbol":"currencySymbol"},"static":[{"key":"","value":""},{"key":"","value":""}]}


{ "status": true, "message": "intrigation tools manage successfully" }

Get Affiliate List

Get affiliate list request with GET request.

API token is required for the authentication of the calling program to the API.

Text ads add time if you want to add affiliate so that time you need to call get affiliate api.

Request :


Parameter Type Position Description
Authorization string Header compolsory pass this authentication token in your header also get from login api


{ "status": true, "message": "affiliate list get successfully", "data": [ { "name": "affiliate1", "id": "2" }, { "name": "test", "id": "3" } ] }

Delete Intrigation Tools

Delete intrigation tools request with DELETE request.

API token is required for the authentication of the calling program to the API.

You can delete intrigation tools using this api. in this api you can pass id in query string

Request :


Parameter Type Position Description
tools_id string Body -


{ "status": true, "message": "intrigation tools ads delete successfully" }


Notification section have all notification list available as notification type wise. you can manage you notification here.

Notification List

Notification list request with POST request.

API token is required for the authentication of the calling program to the API.

Here notification list data display as pagignation wise. only data get using pass page_id and per_page parameter.
page_id is index of your page so you can pass your page id.
Ex. : display on first page pass 1, display on second page pass 2
per_page is count of data display of per page.

Request :


Parameter Type Position Description
page_id number Body pass your page number index for data display as pagignation wise
per_page number Body you want to set count for data display


{ "status": true, "message": "notification list get successfully", "data": [ { "notification_id": "117", "notification_viewfor": "user", "notification_view_user_id": "3", "notification_title": "New Order Generated With Your Vendor Product by freshclient", "notification_url": "/vieworder/3", "notification_description": "fresh client Last client name created a new order with your vendor product at 2021-04-10 16:31:58", "notification_actionID": "3", "notification_type": "order", "notification_is_read": "0", "notification_ipaddress": "::1", "notification_created_date": "2021-04-10 16:31:58" } ] }

Delete Notifications

Delete notifications request with POST request.

API token is required for the authentication of the calling program to the API.

Using this api you can remove your notification. in this api you can pass id in query string

Request :


Parameter Type Position Description
delete_ids[] string Body pass multiple ids in array


{ "status": true, "message": "notification delete successfully" }